Following heavy flooding, a section of bank side between the house and the canal had collapsed, undermining the stability of the foundations of the house.As British Waterways own the land, they chose to employ Condor Projects as a design and build specialist contractor to deliver a cost effective solution. Work had to be done sensitively as the house was to remain occupied for the duration of the works.
The picture to the right shows the house from the opposite bank. The area to the right of the house covered in foliage had completely collapsed due to poor drainage. The area immediately in front of the house was deemed dangerously inaccessible, unsafe and also needed stabilising. bank stabilisation The only access was across a field and down the steep slope onto a sloping site. The proximity of the property to the canal added an additional level of difficulty, due to the restricted weight limits permitted on canal sides. Following detailed site investigation work it was determined that in addition to soil nailing, sheet piling the canal edge would also be required.
Condor had to design a solution that could be built on the difficult site but one that did not threaten the integrity of the property. We started by putting in an access road and slope. A hydraulic drifter mounted on an 18 tonne long reach excavator was used to install the anchors, with no vibration or disturbance to the house or the occupants.
Having installed the anchors we built the reinforced concrete retaining walls incorporating the anchors ( bottom right ).
"We were confident that Condor Projects would deliver the engineering solution required and we were not disappointed."Ian Ward, Galliford Try