" The culture within the company is both one of professionalism and safety which starts at the top and cascades throughout the company. They are now an integral part of our company supply chain receiving regular high scores on the supply performance measure."Adam Gregson, Galliford Try
As a leading exponent of soil nailing, Condor Projects provides solutions to unstable ground conditions. With their own geotechnical and design engineer, Condor Projects can off a one stop shop, from design, supply, installation and testing for stabilization projects.The objective of soil nailing is to improve the insitu mass by the installation of slender unstressed solid or hollow bars, which acts to tension the existing base material. Soil nails are usually steel bar, grouted into pre-drilled holes, but Condor Projects also have experience with stainless steel and GRP to achieve a design life of 120 years.
Soil nails bind the existing slope together so that the mass strength is utilized. When close spaced, the soil nails form a monolithic block which acts as a retaining structure. Simple and quick to install, and cheaper than external structural solutions such as retaining walls, soil nails cause minimal disturbance to the existing slope.
Installing soil nails for British waterways at Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire. Erosions had caused slippage between a basin and river 5 metres below the canal. Condor Projects stabilized the slope to allow safe working in rebuilding the embankment.
Soil nails are normally installed in conjunction with dressing of the slope surface, using netting, hydraseeding, seeded geotextiles or shotcreting. Once installed and grouted, usually a nominal 10% of the soil nails are tested to their design load following procedures laid down in BS8081. Soil nails were used in the reconstruction of 6 gardens in Newport, South Wales. The nails formed the base to the mesh and retaining wall, allowing the land to be restored to its original profile after 20 years of slippage.